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Longstone Community Council


We represent about 4000 residents who live in most of the parish of Slateford/Longstone, which includes, not just Longstone, but Redhall, Slateford, Kingsknowe and the area around Dovecot Park south of Lanark Road to the river.

LCC does not meet in January, April, July or August unless there is urgent business. Information on when the next meetings are to be held, agendas, and minutes can all be found on the 'meeting' page.

The next meeting of LCC is at 7.30pm on 10/02/25 in the Session Room at Slateford/Longstone Church.

You can be assured of a warm welcome at our meetings and being given the opportunity to ask questions at the end of each agenda item, or if you wish to raise a specific matter, by doing so under the 'Questions from the public' agenda item. We will post the agenda here once it's ready.

 South West Community Police Team

The SW Community Police newsletter for Jul - Sep 2024 is now available

Police Scotland Cyber Advice

Police Scotland Property Security

Police Scotland Vehicle & Motorcycle Security

Police Scotland Cycle Security

Your Police 2022-2023 - Police Scotland - Citizen Space

 Edinburgh Tenants Federation is a voluntary organisation that seeks to represent tenants and residents across the city of Edinburgh. They assist tenants’ and residents’ associations throughout the city to work together with their landlords to ensure that they have a say in the running of their communities. You can access their newsletter and 'Tenant's Voice' magazine in their news section. The June 2024 edition of Tenants Voice is now available. 

If you are in need of financial or material help and live in our area, you can apply to The John Hutton Trust.

Close your street for play events

Do you want to arrange a street closure for a children’s play event in your street? Playing Out is a pilot scheme that runs from July to October 2016 that lets you close your street for free.

For more information on Playing Out contact


Library Link is a free bus service for anyone who has difficulty getting to the library because of

  • age
  • disability
  • ill health.

Trained staff and Royal Voluntary Service volunteers help you on and off the minibus. You can choose your books and enjoy a coffee and a chat before being taken home again. Library Link members don't pay library charges or fines. Or use the Home delivery service or the Mobile library service, which visits care homes, retirement flats and sheltered housing complexes.
