Planning Applications
Full details of these applications can be seen online by going to the City of Edinburgh's Planning Portal
Major Applications Not Yet Determined
25/00249/FUL Development of 21 flats at 30 Longstone Road (former Longstone Inn), commercial unit, access, landscaping, and associated works and demolition of building.
Major Applications Granted
06/01188/FUL (44-50 Longstone Road, site includes Shower Doctor): Demolition of existing buildings, Rebuild retail units at ground level with new 2.5 to 3.5 storey flats and maisonettes above, maisonettes to rear of site. 'Minded to grant' (i.e. subject to a £4500 grant towards improvement in public transport). Granted 10 May 2011 on commencemt of work and payment of grant. No work done and permission expires on 10 May 2016.
09/03339/FUL Housing association sheltered housing development for older people ( 50+) and 1 retail unit (amended to 3 retail units) at 69-97 Inglis Green Road. Minded to granted decision 27 Oct 2010 (subject to legal agreements. Approved 6 Apr 2010 but no work done. Evidently abandoned, but see the notice of a new application (14/04491/PAN) shown below.
10/02306/PPP - 10-12 Inglis Green Road - Demolition of all structures and development of foodstore, petrol filling station, car parking, servicing facilities and associated works (Morbaine's application for Sainsbury's store). Granted 12 Sep 2011.
11/03338/FUL renewal of 05/04334/FUL (1 Inglis Green Gait), which had expired without any development. Erection of three flatted dwellings (Mr E Duncan). No development yet. Granted
11/04125/AMC (10, 12 Inglis Green Rd). Sainsbury's application conditions.
12/00939/FUL (45 Lanark Road) Change of use from church building to artist's studios (14) & exhibition space, with integral caretaker's flat. Granted (when?). No work done?
13/05229/FUL (36 Inglis Green Road--Mathews Foods) Demolition of existing building, improvement of car park and access road, erection of boundary walls and new entrance feature gateway. Granted 14 Apr 2014.
14/03054/FUL (3 Murrayburn Rd, Lothian Buses' garage), Application for overcladding to depot shed. 28 Jul 2014. Permission granted 15 Sep 2014.
15/00353/PAN: This is a notice that a planning application will be made for a residential development of around 180 new build houses, a mixture of houses and flats, across a range of tenures on land 100 m north of 86 Longstone Road will be made in the near future (application made 28 Jan 2015). It is also a notice of a public consultation by way of two public events on Wednesday 18th February at 15:00-18:00 hrs and Thursday 19th February at 16:00-20:00 hrs. The public events are to be held in the Slateford/Longstone Church Hall, 52 Kingsknowe Road North. These events will be advertised (See NEWS page). Application has been approved.
15/00261/FUL. An application to use a former office at 102 Kingsknowe Rd as a children's nursery. Granted 23.3.15 but since abandoned. Building now used as an office but query re use classification pending.
15/00877/FUL.(69-97 Inglis Green Rd). 3 March 2015. Application to demolish existing buildings (Longstone Centre) and redevelop site to provide mixed tenure residential development (60 units). Since amended to 54 units. Conditional permission granted 17 June 2015 subject to legal agreements. Final permission granted 17 Dec 2015.
15/03866/PAN. Notice of an intention to apply for permission to build purpose-built student residential accomodation of about 250 units in cluster and studio flat format with associated reception and solical areas, access and landscaping at 27, 35, 37-39 Lanark Rd. Also notice of an exhibition to be held at the Water of Leith Visitor Centre on 13 October. Approved 9 Sep 2015.
16/01454/FUL Erect a new build stand-alone nursery school building within the grounds of Longstone Primary School in Redhall Grove. Scheme revised on 4 June (see Planning Portal).
15/00877/VARY (see 15/00877/FUL above): Raise Redhall + Inglis Green Road buildings by 0.5m + 0.3m, amendments to central amenity space, raise level + adjust layout of car park and remove access west side of IGR building. Granted.
15/03075/FUL. Residential development of 157 new build homes, a mixture of houses and flats and mixed tenures on land 100 metres north of 86 Longstone Road (opposite bus garage and beside the prison). Application received 1 July 2015. The buildings on this site will not be in LCC area. (ref 15/00353/PAN above). Granted 13 Jan 2016 subject to legal agreements.
16/06385/FUL Application to build 3 flatted building at 1A Inglis Green Gait. See 14/05022/FUL in the refused section below. Granted 27/02/2017.
16/05935/FUL 32 Inglis Green Road. Change of use to Dance Studio. Granted 24/2/17.
17/01213/FUL. 3 Kingsknowe Park. Change of use to allow drama studio and office for Monkey Drama. Ganted 19/05/2017.
16/06275/FUL. Demolition of existing buildings and erection of purpose built student accommodation including change of use and all associated works
at 35 Lanark Road (site of Westside Motors). Application modified 21 Sep 2017; deadline for comments 12 Oct. Granted 01/08/2018.
18/07896/LBC. Alterations for change of use from public house to residential property and alterations to existing residential flat above (as amended). 41 Lanark Rd (former Cross Keys public house). Conversion to 3 flats. Granted 28/11/2018.
19/02084/FUL Proposed conversion of 2 listed buildings (Slateford House and Chalmers Memorial Hall) into 6 apartments and erection of new build element comprising 3 apartments. | 51 - 53 Lanark Road Edinburgh EH14 1TL. Requires Listed Building Consent. granted 21/02/2020.
19/03380/FUL Demolition of existing building and erection of purpose built student accommodation and all associated works (amendment to planning consent 16/06275/FUL). 35 Lanark Road Edinburgh EH14 1TL. granted 21/02/2020.
18/04268/FUL (195 Kingsknowe Road North, Kingsknowe Roadhouse). Demolition of existing Public House and construction of 11 residential flats with gardens and car parking and gatehouse. Validated 29 Aug 2018. Awaiting decision. Approved on 19/05/2021.
20/05247/LBC Extension to 51-53 Lanark Rd (Slateford House). Granted.
21/02985/FUL 2 new build apartments to rear of listed building. 51-53 Lanark Road (see 21/02986/LBC below in '...not yet determined'). Granted 28/01/2022.
19/06157/FUL Application to change use from pub and flat over to form serviced apartments (retrospective). 41+43 Lanark Road (former Cross Keys public house). Presumed Airbnbs. Granted 21/05/2021
21/02986/LBC. Withdrawal of extension approved in 20/05247/LBC and replacement by a separate block of flats. Granted 30/08/2021
22/02233/FUL. Mixed-use residential and commercial development with associated landscape, parking, and infrastructure at 22 Inglis Green Rd. Validated 10 May 22. Granted 24/01/24
24/03822/FUL Proposed development of 11x flatted dwellings on site of former childrens' nursery, with associated works. Granted 19/11/2024
24/01728/FULSTL 51-53 Lanark Road (Slateford House) Change of use from commercial office to serviced apartments. Granted 29/01/2025.
Applications Refused
07/05339/ADV (Flat 1, 28 Lanark Road): Illuminated advertising hoarding on land belonging to Slateford Bowling Club. Retrospective application after the hoarding had been erected. Hoarding and framework since removed. On 27 Mar '08, the applicant appealed against the refusal to the Scottish Government. A Government inspector visited the site on 17 June 2008 and subsequently dismissed the appeal (27 June 2008).
10/00251/PPP (84 Longstone Road): Sub-divide garden to erect new bungalow house. Refused 1 Apr 2010.
10/00976/PPP (84 Longstone Rd). Application in principle to split garden at number 84 to erect new bungalow house. Refused 13 May 2010.
13/04448/ADV. Erect backlit 48 sheets advertisement display hoarding on Land 17 Metres South Of 20 Inglis Green Road Edinburgh. Refused 5 Dec 2013.
14/04646/FUL (102 Kingsknowe Road North). Change of use from vacant office (formerly Goldshield Electronic Security Ltd) class 1 to take-away class 3. Refused 23 Jan 2015.
14/05022/FUL. Erection of 3 flatted dwellings at 1A Inglis Green Gait. This is renewal of the application ref. 11/03338/FUL (see above), which has expired. This is the second renewal, with no sign of any development.
15/05401/FUL. Change of Use to purpose built student accommodation (247 flats) and erection of two new high quality, managed student residences. Both blocks to have office/reception and communal area with associated facilities at Ground Floor Level, landscaping, amenity space and cycle storage. 27, 35, 37-39, Lanark Road. Applied 3 Dec 2015 Recommended for refusal at meeting on 25 May 2016, but revised scheme submitted in June 2016. Comments are possible until 9 August. Refused 7/12/2016.
16/05340/FUL (195 Kingsknowe Road North) Demolish Kingsknowe Roadhouse and erect 3 townhouses and a block of 13 flats. Validated 7 Nov 2016. Refused 10 Jan 2017, but since subject to review on 15 Mar 2017. Appeal refused 27/03/2017.
23/00809/FUL. Development of 23 flats at 30 Longstone Road (former Longstone Inn), commercial unit, access, landscaping, and associated works and demolition of building. Refused 26/01/2024.
22/00473/FUL. Application to build 17 student flats on a vacant site in Inglis Green Gait. Awaiting assessment. Refused 15/02/2024. Appeal refused 11/09/24.
24/00663/FUL (305 Lanark Road. Former Lanark Rd Nursery) Demolition of existing former nursery and erection of development of 14 No. flatted dwellings on site of former children's nursery, with associated works. Refused 16/04/2024.
23/05082/CLESTL - 32 Redhal Road - Continued use as a short term let for 90 days a year. Refused 04/06/24. (Appeal refused 13/09/24)
Applications Withdrawn
13/05243/PPP (36 Inglis Green Road) Erect 12 flats (4x2bed/8x1bed) on vacant brownfield site (after demolition referred to in 13/05229/FUL). Validated 19 Dec 2013. Application withdrawn 18/03/2014