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Longstone Community Council

New Community Constable

New Community Constable

Longstone CC

Added at 16:30 on 15 March 2022

We now have a community constable again, at least for the area north of the railway in ward 7. He is Andy Cory (email: email him for any local problems in that area or call the number below.

Community and Neighbourhood News

Community Constables have been replaced by Safer Neighbourhood Teams (SFT), who should be contacted about any matter of concern or crime.

If you live in the Sighthill/Gorgie ward (north of the railway), contact or call 0131 622 2413.

If you live in Pentland Hills ward (south of the railway), contact or call 0131 311 3131, Ext 2601.

For local police news, go to:

On 12 Feb 2014, Police Scotland announced chages to its policy on public counters at police stations (some are closing or have restricted opening times).

In the case of the local station at Wester Hailes in Dumbryden Drive, it will be open from 0700 to midnight 7-days per week.

To contact your community police team email:

Insp Duthie has asked me to contact you and make you aware that there has been an increase, in ‘break in’ to houses where cars have been stolen, across the Edinburgh area. Can you make your members aware and request that they be extra vigilant and report any suspicious activity / persons to the Police on either 101 or ‘999’ if appropriate.
In response to this there are a number of initiatives ongoing, which include road checks, plain clothes patrols as well as High Visibility patrols and these will continue for the foreseeable.

I have included some crime prevention advice that you may wish to forward also.

Home security

Police Scotland have produced an informative guide on security around the home.

Many opportunistic thieves do not have to break in to homes at all, as a door or window may have been left open or unlocked. Always ensure they are secure.  Don’t leave keys on the inside of door locks, under mats or elsewhere that they can be easily found. Don't put your name on keyrings because if lost or stolen, the opportunist will have all the information he needs to direct him to your home. Don’t keep house keys and car keys on the same key ring. Don’t leave valuables in sight of windows.

If you have a wall calendar, avoid mounting it near a window from where appointments can potentially be seen – this could indicate when your house will be empty.

Mark your possessions with a UV marker. You can use the marker to record your postcode and house number on items such as mobile phones, cameras, laptops and tablets. UV Kits are available on a number of well-known websites and can be purchased for under £10.00. If the unthinkable happens and you are the victim of this type of crime then your property may be easier to identify if it has been security marked.

Make your house look occupied at all times.

Make sure your motor car is secure, preferably garaged if possible and store the car keys out of sight.
